Ten on Tuesday
The Ten on Tuesday topic for 3/29 is 10 Reasons to Use the Public Library.
One main reason, it is free to use and if people don't use it, the town may decide not to give them as much money to buy new books and other items. I love to read and used to tutor there when I was in high school. Also spent time there doing homework and reports. Also used it during college. Have been in the last month and plan to start going more now that it is spring.
1) Read new Authors - great way to try new authors without spending money on books you may not like.
2) Browse new books - just to see what grabs my attention, title, cover, etc. I sometimes find Authors I never heard of and then I tend to read every book they have written.
3) Knitting Books - check out knitting books before buying them. Also Crochet, Spinning, etc.
4) Cook Books - also check these out before buying.
5) Health Books - books I may not want to own but do want to read.
6) Autobiographys - I don't tend to ever buy these so it is good to be able to read them.
7) Programs - Our library has talks with slides of people's trips, how to do thing talks, etc.
8) Art - Our library used to let you sign out paintings for a period of time. They also display student artwork on the wall of the corridor to the children's section.
9) Computers - when I used to have computer issues, I would sign up and use theirs.
10) Movies - my parents like to take out movies, I haven't yet.