Ten on Tueday
The Ten on Tuesday topic for 5/26/2015 is 10 Things You Did This Weekend. I had Friday off so my weekend was a 4 day weekend.
1) Went to MA Sheep and Wool - bought a sweatshirt, a Leslie Wind sewing needle and cable hook necklace and one 1/2 skein of yarn for some short socks plus a sock book.
2) Went to Bub's Barbeque after MA Sheep and Wool - yum yum.
3) Went to WEBS after Bubs and mostly bought yarn for gift knitting.
4) Finished a sleeve on my Baby Cocktail's Cape Cod Sweater. One sleeve to go.
5) Cleaned out some yarn to donate and/or sell at a flea market.
6) Started another Landscape Shawlette for an Xmas gift, it is my work lunch knitting.
7) Did some grocery shopping.
8) Planted my flowers in the planters that go on our front porch.
9) Re-potted a plant I bought that will go to work to sit on a cabinet in my now cleaned up office.
10) Made some cookies that had four ingredients - pancake mix, coffee creamer, almond butter and chocolate chips.
I've always wanted to go to the Maryland Wool Festival - but have never made it yet.
I keep saying - one year....
I would love love love to go to WEBS!
Linda in VA
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