Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

Picture taken last March.

The Ten on Tuesday Topic for 3/1 is 10 Things to Like About the Month of March.

1)  It's my birthday month.  Not quite as exciting as when I was younger.
2)  Spring is almost here.
3)  March Madness - love to knit to college basketball.
4)  My birthday day off - we get to take a day off in the 30 days following our birthday.  I think I will make mine coincide with some March Madness.
5)  The days actually seem longer to me.  It doesn't seem as cold and gray.
6)  The chance of 40 + degree weather most days.
7)  Any last snow doesn't seem to stay.  Maybe the mounds will go down.
8)  Baseball - spring training - yeah - more knitting time.
9)  Flowers - maybe the crocus will start to come out.
10)  Birds - hopefully the birds will come back to the feeders.


At 1:37 PM, Blogger Life's a Stitch said...

It's my birthday month, too, but we don't get a day off. I've taken some vacation time instead ;-)


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