Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Ten on Tuesday

The Ten On Tuesday topic for Tuesday, September 1, 2015 is 10 Seemingly Ordinary Things That Bring You Joy.

1)  Sitting in the back yard in a gravity chair knitting.
2)  Sitting in the back yard reading.
3)  Sitting in the back yard and actually hooking up my portable speaker and listening to the music I have on my Ipod Touch and my Ipod Nano (different music as the Touch is older and was hooked to an old computer and if I hook it up now to newer (also old) computer I will lose everything).  Need a new computer and have put it off just because I don't want to deal with ITunes again.
4)  Water bottles flavored with cut up veggies or fruit.
5)  Ice cream out at a walk up ice cream stand.
6)  Magazines - any that are in the house.
7)  Petting my kitties and having them sit with me on the couch, they only do this when they are in the mood.
8)  Going to my nieces and playing with her kittens.
9)  Hanging out with friends.
10)  Watching birds.


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