Ten on Tuesday
I will have to start taking some random pictures to use on Tuesdays.
The Ten on Tuesday topic for 6/29 is 10 Books on Your Summer Reading List.
1) The Lost Quilter by Jennifer Chiaverini
2) A Quilter's Holiday by Jennifer Chiaverini
3) Aloha Quilt by Jennifer Chiaverini
4) Dead and Gone by Charlaine Harris (and eventually the latest one once as I get it)
5) The Help by Kathryn Stockett
6) Julie and Julia by Julie Powell
7) The Beach Street Knitting Society and Yarn Club by Gil McNeil
8) Needles and Purls by Gil McNeil
9) Lark & Termite by Jayne Anne Phillips
10) Uglies by Scott Westerfeld
Hope to get to all of them, depends if some other books grab my attention. The three quilter ones are from the library so they will be done by mid July. I have read every book in the series and they are a quick, entertaining read. I don't quilt but they are fun to read.
I own number's 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, so those will be read in between other library books. There are more I want to read but I have to organize and start putting them on hold at the library.
This was fun. I love to read and read about a half hour every weeknight. I read a little more on weekends. I recently joined Good Reads and have been finding books on there to add to my list. I also get suggestions from blogs I read and the YarnWords group on Ravelry.
Happy reading!