Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year and recap of 2009

Here are 3 of my last projects for 2009.  The scarf was the Seafoam scarf and it went to my sister for Xmas.  The mittens are the Breathe Deep mittens by Through the Loops and they went to my niece for Xmas.  The vest was finished a few days after Xmas and that is now my mother's.  She received a buttonhole swatch with one button sewed on and the rest of the buttons in a baggie for Xmas.

I also finished 2 hats and will post that info on another date. 

I spent today ripping out two projects that will never be fnished (one was a baby hat and the other was a scarf).   I also worked on a languishing Fiddlesticks Knitting pattern.  I have to block the two sides of the stole and then add a ruffle (in two sections) and I think that will be my Olympic project, to finish that up.  I may work on it ahead and then start something else then, it depends on if I can find the ruffle yarn and when I can get the sides blocked.  I am not sure where I put it.  The only other projects on the needles besides the Fiddlesticks stole are my Silk Diamonds Scarf (going into hibernation until the urge to work on it comes back), and a new Seafoam scarf I started out of a sock yarn (lost the tag) and it will be work knitting when I go back to work next week.  I do have a short sleeved wool cardigan that I plan to start for me.  Maybe tonight or tomorrow.  It is a top down and will be good to have on the needles as it doesn't look too difficult to put down and pick back up time allows.  I also plan to finally block my Spring Things Shawl that has been done for months just waiting to be blocked.

To finish off this year, I knit 40 projects (counting all the mice as one project).  Some where started in 2008 but finished in 2009.  The breakdown goes:

Felted Bag - 1
Cowls - 10
Hats - 4
Headbands - 4
Mittens - 1
Scarfs - 5
Shawls - 5
Vest - 1
Soap Holder - 1
Sony MP3 holder - 1
Poncho - 1
Catnip Mice - 11
Sweaters:  Child size - 3
                 Baby - 1
                 Adult - 1

With the cable internet and the new Ipod, I have become addicted to Podcasts.  I have been trying out different ones and deciding which ones I want to subscribe to and which ones really don't interest me.  I have branched out to a few non knitting ones also.  I received a portable battery operated speaker for Xmas (I bought it and had my father give it to me, planned for my Sony MP3 as I didn't have the Ipod then) but it has come in handy, I have been using it daily.  I have also ordered a larger speaker one that isn't battery operated and that should come next week.

Have a very happy, healther New Year!  We had snow again today so it looks like winter again.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy Holidays!

This was taken last Christmas day.  Kayla couldn't ignore a box to sleep in.

Have been very busy.  Had Diana Gabaldon's An Echo In The Bone to read.  813 pages, I had a schedule of 50 pages a day to get it done before it was due back at the library.  I finished 4 days early as I had thought it was due back before it actually was.  So no knitting at all at home during that time.  Only at work when I worked on a scarf for my sister. 

Since I finished the book, I knit a pair of Breathe Deep mittens for my niece, each mitten took about 2 days and they were finished today.  The scarf is done and wrapped for my sister.  My mothers vest is done to the armholes and the left front is done.  Just need to finish up the back and the right front.  Bought new buttons for it yesterday which I will give her for Xmas.  It should be done by New Years Day.

Not sure what I really want to knit next except for a few small hats, one for a new baby due in February and then a childs sweater for a friends little girl.  For me there is a vest ready to cast on.  I have a UFO to finish up, I think I will tackle that during the Olympics.  I am going to rip out one scarf on Jan 1 and have found a replacement project on Ravelry that it will become sometime in the future.

I have finally joined the real world and had Cable internet installed this week.  Boy is it fast.  To celebrate, I also bought myself and Ipod Touch.  Fun, fun, now to find some time to play with it.

I hope all that celebrate have a Very, Merry Christmas tomorrow.  We have leftover snow so there will be a white Christmas in CT this year.

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Cadenza Sweater

I bought this as a kit at my favorite yarn shop.  The pattern is by "I'd Rather be Knitting" and the yarn is some Colinette Cadenza.  I did the sleeves seperately instead of picking up and knitting down.  It was easier that way to just bring the sleeves to work.  It will be a gift for a baby due around February.

I am still knitting away on my mother's vest and my sister's scarf though the scarf may go to someone else.  I had forgotten I was knitting it and bought my sister her Xmas gifts already.  So, it will either go to her in April for next year or I will hold on to it for Xmas next year.  I started a baby hat for a co-worker that is expecting a little girl in February and I hope to make another hat a little larger.

I haven't been knitting that much at night because I have had 3 large books in a row from the library.  I had two Kate Morton books to read, The Forgotten Garden and The House at Riverton to read, both were over 400 pages.  I am now reading Diana Gabaldon's latest book, Echo In The Bone which is over 800 pages.  I have 21 days to read it and am trying to read about 50 pages a day.

We are having our first snow right now and I can't wait to take some pictures tomorrow.  I have 2 weeks of work till our holiday break and I really hope to get in some knitting for me while I am off.