Sunday, April 29, 2007

CT Sheep & Wool

Saturday I went up to Tolland to the CT Sheep & Wool festival. It was a nice day. I ran into friends from MA and CT. I almost didn't buy anything but was walking around with a few friends and bought a Merino batt and two 2 oz bundles of Merino/Tencel. I also bought a shawl pin and earrings to match and a wpi key chain gauge. I think that was it. It was a nice day.

Today I went to NENA (New England Needlework Association) with a friend in town who owns a yarn shop. It is a buyers market for yarn shop owners. It was interesting to see what is coming out.
I have been in lace mode and have been plugging away on Birch. It is very different in Brown Sheep Naturespun sport instead of the Kidsilk Haze. I screwed up my cast on with the Haze so I wasn't sure if I would have enough yarn. I will make something else with what I have left of the Haze.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Dulaan 10,000


My five items are done. 4 hats and one scarf. I am going to try to add more to the box before I have to ship it.

I finished a scarf I was working on since 9/05 and will post a picture after I block it. I started another baby sweater for a bosses grandchild to be. She is retiring in June.

I plan to break my Knit from Your Stash for one day at my favorite shop as I got promoted this week. Out of the blue, so it was nice. I have been pondering my future and what I want to do. Even with the promotion, I am considering some sort of Legal Studies certificate in the next two years. I took a certificate course many years ago but it was through some fly by night (now out of business) night class thing that led to nothing.

I went to my local spinning guild this week and they had a presentation on dyeing which gave me some ideas to try once as the weather clears up. The northeaster that is hitting has made the brook in our back yard rise higher than I have seen it in a while. I also spun a little on the new wheel but I have a joint that now hurts. I think it may be the start of arthritis as my mother has it in the same spot.

Oh well, back to knitting and blog reading.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Shopping and a Spinning Demo

A friend of my sisters has 5 Alpacas and wants me to show her all about spinning. We have exchanged a few emails and then today there was a spinning/knitting demo at the local Borders and she told me about it and we met up there.

The spinning section was by Chris of Woolybuns and she had some really cool bright Spunky Eclectic with her along with her own bunny blends. She went from fleece to yarn and it was very informative for my sister's friend.

Then there was a Knitter, Karen from Needles and Wool
who showed some of her knitting.

I ended up doing a little knitting shopping, the above books, plus the new knitters. One is a remance but it mentioned knitting and I sometimes want a little light knitting. The other is a small sized book which has how to fix knitting mistakes, etc. It will be good to have nearby and it looks like it will also be an entertaining read.
I have Monday off and my sister's friend will be visiting me to learn more about spinning.