Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Ten on Tuesday

The Ten on Tuesday topic for 7/30 is 10 Favorite Beach Songs.  The above picture is from Stonington, CT.  My parents had a cottage on a lake in CT from the time I was a child till last year.
I don't have any pics on my computer though.

1)  This may not be Beach song but I always hear it only in the summer.  It's by NRBQ and it's called Riding in my Car.  I have to get a copy of it as it's a favorite of mine.


2)   Boys of Summer - Don Henley
3)   Summer Nights from Grease - John Travolta and Olivia Newton John
4)  School's Out - Alice Cooper
5)  Suddenly Last Summer - The Motels
6)  Cruel Summer - Bananarama
7)  Under the Boardwalk - The Drifters
8)  Summer of '69 - Bryan Adams
9)  Margaritaville - Jimmy Buffet
10)  All Summer Long - Kid Rock - thanks Carole - this is the another one I couldn't remember the name of.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Ten on Tuesday

The Ten on Tuesday topic for 7/23 is 10 Favorite Summertime Treats.   I have a lot of these year round but they taste so much better in the summer.  I'm also including non food treats.

1)  Ice Cream - Soft Ice Cream cones from the local ice cream shop.
2)  Watermelon
3)  Lemonade and Iced Teas
4)  Pasta Salads
5)  Grilled Veggies
6)  Smoothies
7)  Half Day Fridays - at work we make up hours during the week to get out at Noon on Friday.
8)  Extra knitting, shopping or just laying around time on Friday afternoons.
9)  Fairs - I usually go to the Stonington Fair which includes a pretty big book sale.
10)  Knitting camp which I recently returned from.  There is shopping for handmade knitting bags and handmade jewelry.  It's my yearly summer treat that signals the end of camp for the year.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Ten on Tuesday

The Ten on Tuesday topic for 7/16 is 10 Ways to Beat the Heat!  This is the lake at the camp.  It's called lake Mini Ha Ha and they have paddle boats for it.

1)  Stay in an air conditioned room and knit, read or just relax.
2)  Go in the pool - we don't have a pool and we were near a gorgeous pool at knitting camp but no one in our group went in.  I think next year, we are going to all sit on the edge with our feet in and knit.
3)  Drink a nice refreshing glass of water, iced tea or lemonade.
4)  Have some nice cold ice cream.
5)  Enjoy a refreshing smoothie - I won a Starbucks Giftcard at camp and plan to get some smoothies with it.
6)  Go to a Yarn shop and enjoy the AC while you shop.
7)  Go hang out in a bookstore.
8)  Go shopping - grocery, clothing, anything to get to a nice air conditioned store.
9)  Sit outside in a shady area and read or knit.
10)  Take a ride with the AC going.

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Ten on Tuesday

The Ten on Tuesday topic for 7/9 is 10 Favorite Things To Do When You're Alone.  I enjoy alone time.  It's a time to do what I want without any distractions.

1)  Knit - especially lace where I need to have no distractions so I don't have to spend time tinking back.
2)  Read
3)  Listen to Podcasts
4)  Daydream
5)  Scan through all the TV Channels
6)  Read Magazines
7)  Stand in the Kitchen and decide on dinner - anything I want.
8)  Shop on the Web.
9)  Listen to the Radio.
10)  Look through the Stash and plan projects.