Ten on Tuesday

The Ten on Tuesday topic for 4/30 is 10 Things You're Looking Forward to in May.
1) Changing my winter for Spring/Summer clothes.
2) More flowers in the flower garden.
3) Opening the windows in the house and leaving them open.
4) Driving with the windows and sunroof open.
5) A nice, long Memorial Day weekend.
6) Socks - the Hazel Knits knitalong and the Three Bags Fulled Sign of Four sock knitalong.
7) Walking at the high school with a co-worker.
8) More Saturdays at the yarn shop because of the nicer weather.
9) Taking out the spring/summer shoes and painting the toes pretty colors.
10) Mother's Day - can't wait to give my mother the gift I got her.
1) Changing my winter for Spring/Summer clothes.
2) More flowers in the flower garden.
3) Opening the windows in the house and leaving them open.
4) Driving with the windows and sunroof open.
5) A nice, long Memorial Day weekend.
6) Socks - the Hazel Knits knitalong and the Three Bags Fulled Sign of Four sock knitalong.
7) Walking at the high school with a co-worker.
8) More Saturdays at the yarn shop because of the nicer weather.
9) Taking out the spring/summer shoes and painting the toes pretty colors.
10) Mother's Day - can't wait to give my mother the gift I got her.