This is some Mango Moon that I received in a Secret Santa swap at a LYS this year. It goes into the stash but I have an idea of the scarf I want to make with it.
Following Wendy and L-B’s idea, here is how I will follow along. I am really trying to just stop my impulse purchases every time I am in a yarn shop. I tend to go to visit friend’s shops a lot and usually will make a purchase and if there is a sale, even more. I now have more than I could possible knit up in the next few years. So, if I stop those impulse purchases and only purchase yarn on the days I mention below, then I will be very happy.
Knit From Your Stash 2007
1. The Knit-From-Your-Stash-a-Thon will start January 1, 2007 and run through September 30, 2007 -- a period of nine months.
2. We will not buy any yarn during that period, with the following exceptions:
2.a. Sock yarn does not count. What? You think we are made of stone?
No sock yarn unless it is a gift for my sister. I recently ordered some needles and yarn from Knitpicks to teach myself to knit socks and don’t see me going through it in nine months. I have so many other things I want to knit that I think I can put off any sock yarn purchases for me until Rhinebeck. Of course, if I happen to see some Socks That Rock or the new Colinette sock yarn, I may pick up some but I will try to wait.
2.b. If someone asks for a specific knitted gift that we really and truly do not have the yarn for, we may buy yarn to knit that gift.
I am in for this one, too, though I will check the stash first. I recently went to a YS that I haven’t been to for many years. I bought a few skeins of a new to me yarn to make a scarf and I think I will get 3 more to make a gift for next year for a friend of mine. I was planning on making her another pink/purple scarf but I have given her one with those colors for the past two years and this new yarn comes in a multi-color that will go great with her winter coat.
2.c. If we are knitting something and run out of yarn, we may purchase enough to complete the project.
This one, too.
2.d. We each get one "Get Out of Jail Free" card -- we are each allowed to fall off the wagon one time.
I am giving myself the following exceptions:
1) My favorite yarn shop is having a sale that ends in February and I have Xmas money from last year plus a gift certificate that I want to use. I plan to buy the yarn for a sweater in the new knitty that also involves me spinning the contrasting color.
2) I also will be visiting the yarn shop I mentioned above that I haven’t been to in years, I have a discount coupon to use and I would like to use it by February so I will probably go and buy the yarn to make my friend a scarf for next Christmas.
3) MA Sheep and Wool – my yearly visit to WEBS but only for something I can’t live without and I will have a limited cash supply that I can’t go over, probably $50 only. I usually try to buy something that I don’t see around here. Usually sock yarn for my sister is included during this trip.
4) Knitting Retreat in July where a local artist comes. She has some beautiful handpainted yarn and if she has something I like, I may pick up enough for a sweater or a few skeins for gift scarfs. I have never seen her yarn anywhere else and it is just gorgeous.
5) Plus one extra “Get out of Jail Free” card if I just see a sale I can’t resist but with the above exceptions, I don’t plan to use this if I can help it.
3. We are allowed to receive gifts of yarn.
I never get any so this one may be a moot point.
4. Spinning fiber of any sort is exempt.
I have a large spinning stash but just in case I see a color and fiber that I can’t resist.