Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Ten on Tuesday

The Ten on Tuesday topic for 10/29 is 10 Things You Love To Do On An Extra Day Off. You know those days - a Monday holiday, a personal day, a snow day - what do you love to do?

For an unexpected snow day:
1)  Knit more than usual.
2)  Flip the channels and find some old re-runs.
3)  Bake something.
4)  Spend more time reading.

For a planned personal day:
5)  I didn't take one this year, but sometimes I take the Monday after Rhinebeck just to spend more time reading blog reports and sighing over what I missed at the festival.   Sometimes I just fly through the buildings and miss things (and people).
6)  Do a mini Friday - Saturday vacation, recent trips include NY state and last weekend, Maine.
7)  Some Fridays, I will just take a half day and go spend it at my favorite YS.

For the Monday holidays:
8)  Relax after a busy Saturday and Sunday.
9)  Sometimes a little online retail therapy.
10)  Plan new projects and search around the stash for the yarn and needles and a bag to put it in.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Ten on Tuesday

The Ten on Tuesday topic for 10/15 is 10 Things You Did This Weekend.

1)  Went to the New Balance Outlet to get some new sneakers.
2)  Went to my favorite YS to hang out.
3)  Went for a ride to one of the Yarn Crawl stores so my sister could pick up a prize she won.
4)  Went to my nieces on the way home and listened to her yell at the TV during the Patriots game.
5)  Went through most of my clothes and donated at least 3 bags to a local charity.  There is another bag going to Goodwill.  So sad to get rid of some of my clothes as I hardly wore some but they are too big.
6)  Wound some yarn for some upcoming projects.
7)  Started a list of booths to visit at Rhinebeck.
8)  Watched the Walking Dead - the repeats and the new season episode one.  Finally.
9)  Watched some baseball playoffs.
10)  Knit, and then knit some more.  I have 2 projects that I want to finish within the next 2 weeks.

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Ten on Tuesday

The Ten on Tuesday topic for 10/8 is 10 Ways You Are Embracing Autumn.  I love the fall, the leaves are gorgeous. 

1)   When it's a little chilly, I am turning on the little electric fireplace and enjoying the heat and fake flames.
2)   Planning new clothes and donating all the too big clothes.
3)   Knitting - seem to want to plan a lot more in the fall.
4)   Looking forward to Rhinebeck - planning which booths are must sees.
5)   Just completed a Western CT yarn crawl with some leaf peeping while traveling from shop to shop.
6)   Tea - once as October hits, my desire for some hot tea kicks in.
7)   Pumpkin Chocolate muffins from Hungry Girl - I eat them year round but they seem more fun in the fall.
8)   Apple Orchards - I want to go to the local orchard more now than any other time of year.
9)   Socks and Shoes - bought some new shoes that will show off the handknit socks.
10)   Enjoying TV - all the fall TV shows are starting, finally.