Ten on Tuesday
The Ten on Tuesday topic for 1/22 is 10 Things You Always Have In Your Car. I have a new (used) car and don't have a picture of it. This picture is from a June trip to VT and is the Notch. My car doesn't have too much stuff in it.
1) Sunglasses - maybe 2 pair
2) Dunkin Donuts Cozy
3) Umbrella
4) CD's - at least I hope I put them back in there
5) Ice scraper with brush
6) Trunk - divided bag holder thing - bought it years ago has a keep cold section in middle and place for two bags of groceries on each side.
7) Wet Wipes
8) Car manual and insurance.
9) Angel - a keep safe angel my aunt bought me that is supposed to go on the viser but it doesn't fit so it sits in cup holder.
10) Hanging from the visor are a metal humingbird in a wreath along with a butterfly necklace.