Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Ten on Tuesday

The Ten on Tuesday topic for 1/22 is 10 Things You Always Have In Your Car. I have a new (used) car and don't have a picture of it.  This picture is from a June trip to VT and is the Notch.  My car doesn't have too much stuff in it.

1) Sunglasses - maybe 2 pair
2) Dunkin Donuts Cozy
3) Umbrella
4) CD's - at least I hope I put them back in there
5) Ice scraper with brush
6) Trunk - divided bag holder thing - bought it years ago has a keep cold section in middle and place for two bags of groceries on each side.
7) Wet Wipes
8) Car manual and insurance.
9) Angel - a keep safe angel my aunt bought me that is supposed to go on the viser but it doesn't fit so it sits in cup holder.
10) Hanging from the visor are a metal humingbird in a wreath along with a butterfly necklace.

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Ten on Tuesday

The Ten on Tuesday topic for 1/8 is 10 Goals for 2013.

1) Lose Weight - every year I say this but this year I have better plans.
2) Exercise more - I have an exercise bike and some DVD's and have to set up a schedule and stick to it.
3) Eat Healthier - I want to cut out a lot of processed food. I know for me I won't be able to cut it all out but I would like to cut out some.
4) Knit a few sweaters for me.  Start of Knitspot Caissa above.
5) Knit more socks this year - I am starting off with 2 mystery socks this month - Hazel Knits and Through the Loops
6) Clean out the closets - get rid of clothes and shoes that I don't wear or don't like.
7) Clean out some of the yarn and donate to our local senior home that has weavers and knitters.
8) Take better care of my skin. I want to get into a routine of daily/nightly day/night creams.
9) Paint my fingernails with color instead of clear all the time. My niece gave me a Sephera by OPI nail polish set with 16 small polishes and 1 sparkly gold top coat. I did them once with a color and it actually looked pretty good.
10) Make some career plans or look into other options for work that will fulfill me.