Ten on Tuesday
The Ten on Tuesday topic for 10/25 is 10 Best Halloween Costumes You've Ever Seen.
1) A Jellyfish - don't know how to describe this one and I don't have a picture but it was kind of like she had an umbrella above her head with all tentacles hanging down around it. The Office manager at work did this a few years ago.
2) A frog - last year a co-workers grandson was a frog, he was just crawling and it was the cutiest thing I have ever seen. He is a cute friendly little boy so I may be biased.
3) M and M's - these were sewn costumes and I think I was in high school and someone made them in sewing class.
4) For dog costumes, a girl I know has a biker costume for her yorkiepoo mix that is just adorable. The one above is her Pirate costume.
I'm not a Halloween fan as I tend to not like the costumes where you can't see who it is so don't usually pay attention to costumes anymore. My niece and nephew are now grown and I don't see trick or treaters anymore. Relatives used to stop over with the young ones but don't really do that anymore.