Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Rhinebeck was nice. It was a little cold, a little crowded, but I managed to get most of what I went there for. I got the Knitters Book of Wool and had it autographed. The book and a copy of Wild Fibers came from the Spirit Trail booth. I was also happy to see my friend Shelia who comes from Oregon to work in the booth. I wanted to try some yarn that I hadn't tried before so I bought 2 Knitspot patterns and a skein of Briar Rose yarn (the large orange skein) from that booth. I also made my way into the Brooks Farm booth where I came out with a skein of yarn (the smaller skein).

My parents had a good time. After all the worrying about the weather, it wasn't rainy or snowing so that was good.

Have a couple of finished items to show. One shawl is done and needs to be blocked this weekend. The others are done and put away.

Today was a tough day, we had layoffs at work and 7 people in my office are gone. 5 of them are friends of mine, 2 were lunch buddies as well as friends. I will now be lunching by myself with my knitting. I didn't even go to lunch today, I just couldn't face it. 2 I didn't know that well at all though one of them always stopped to say hi and I will miss her smiling face as she passed by.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Selbu Modern

Here's my Selbu Modern. It was a fun knit. Two skeins of Koigu, one the solid blue, the other a multicolor pink.
The childs cardigan is done, just need a picture. It doesn't look big enough for the intended recipient so for now, I am planning to use it for a baby gift for a coworkers grandchild. I also started and finished a Spiraluscious by Knitspot. It is blocking. I had needed a small project for a Spinning Guild meeting and that was it. Finished in less than a week.
On the needles now is another baby sweater. I should finish the back tonight and start a front tomorrow. The only other two projects on the needles that I actually want to finish are two shawls. One is my Spring Things Shawl, less than 20 rows to go. Plus, there is a C'est la vie! Wrap by Fiddlesticks Knitting waiting. I had bought the trim yarn at Rhinebeck last year and had hoped to get it done for this year but I just wasn't in the mood for it. It will be finished before next October.
Other than that, my mother now wants a vest instead of a sweater so I am off and searching for a vest pattern. I handed her the Patternworks catalog yesterday and she picked out a few so I will be ordering soon and then will get started on that.
Rhinebeck is a few days away and I can't wait. It will be a nice few days off for me as I take a few extra days around it to just relax. We had bad news at work of layoffs and paycuts looming within two weeks so Rhinebeck will be a refreshing break from the worry.