Well, I am working on a felted day pack now. It is a beautiful mauvey shade of Cascade 220. I have also been planning out on paper a vest I plan to start, maybe tomorrow. I am taking an Ann Norling pattern and adding many stitch patterns and different yarns to it. I also have my Whitby Gansey on the needles.
Suzanne's Knitting and Spinning Blog
My current projects and future projects.
Saturday, June 28, 2003
Saturday, June 21, 2003
Today I attended a Judy Pascale class. It was the vertical vest and it was great. I have known Judy for years as she is also a member of our knitting guild but this was my first real class with her. I will be looking for more of her classes in the future as she is a really good teacher. At first, I thought it would be weird going to a class of someone that I actually know and have sat next to at guild planning meeting dinners but it was a lot of fun. I now have to someday work this vest into my list of future projects. So much to knit, so little time.
I have knitted about an inch on the Whitby Gansey. Instead of knitting for the last two weeks, I have been reading library books. It seems like all the books I put holds on come in at once. I have one more to pick up Monday and then that may be it for most of the summer. I just won't have the time to go there anymore. I have to start temping or I will be completely out of money. I got some patterns in the mail today that I was waiting for. This week, I also got an Elann order (thanks to Wendy of Wendyknits for showing her Wellness yarn that I just had to have after seeing it on her blog), plus I went to a kinda LYS and used a coupon I had to get some Cascade 220 for a felted bag (pattern received today) and some Dale Baby Ull that was also inspired by Wendy and a girl in my knitting guild who was being a lemming to Wendy and knitting the same one (but cardigan) that Wendy just finished. I picked a different baby Dale book and plan to make this baby cardigan to put away for a future unknown baby. I also got a new adult Dale book that has lots of possibilities in it. My 15 buckets of stash would be gone quickly if I could just knit quickly. I have a lot of my stash earmarked for patterns I have found in the past year that I have been unemployed.
Wednesday, June 11, 2003
Well, I was up to the patterning on the Whitby Gansey when I noticed an error and ripped out 10 or more inches of it back to the welts. I plan to get back to the circular knitting only tomorrow. Next week, I may also start my nieces sweater which is a two color sweater with skiers and snowflakes on it. The pattern calls for it to be knit in pieces but I am going to knit it in the round up to the armholes.
Sunday, June 01, 2003
My nephews sweater is done, done, done. I finished it on the 31st. That must be a record for me, I started it on the 3rd. I am still on the welts of the Whitby Gansey and can't wait till I join it into the round and can get going on it. I had an old friend (old co-worker from the Co. I got laid off from last May) call Saturday and we will be getting together this month. It was very nice to hear from her. She has 4 knitted items from me and loves them.