Xmas knitting all the time. I just need to finish the two lunchtime knitting scarves. My nieces sweater won't get done till January but I should finish up the body within the next week or so. I haven't been knitting as much as I should have been. Spent all day yesterday at two malls with the niece and didn't knit at all after I got home. Plopped in a chair and didn't move.
My fathers scarf is on hold while I work on my mothers out of the Gedrifa. I am now into the second ball. I had originally planned to make it out of one ball but used too many stitches and didn't want to rip it out. It is coming along very neat looking with a 2 - 3 inche length of a solid color and then a 2 - 3 inch length of stripes. Near the end of the first ball it started to lose it's sequence which is why I am making it out of the two skeins along with the extra width. That one will be done this week. I may even leave it home tomorrow and start again on my fathers.
I have so many things planned that I want to make for me that I really can't wait till I am done with my neices sweater. Then I just need the sleeves on Whitby and then it will all be for me for a few months till I need to start some gifts again.
Suzanne's Knitting and Spinning Blog
My current projects and future projects.