Henley in Progress

Here is the Henley top down in progress. I have left it like this and cast on for my mother's vneck top down. Once as I get that to the underarm, I will start alternating the two. I have some upcoming events where it will be perfect to just sit and knit round and round on it.
I joined two new knit-a-longs on Ravelry. The first is the Heartland Lace Shawl by Evelyn Clark and I have some brown Brown Sheep Naturespun sport to make it. The next is the Ene's Scarf from Scarf Style. I have the called for yarn and it has been waiting in the stash since I first saw it and ordered the yarn.
The lunch scarf is slowly growing. The Clementine Shawlette sees the light of day and gets worked on probably one day a week.
Today I visited a LYS (The Yarn Garden) and picked up some Silky Wool in black to make a MimKnits pattern. This will be started sometime over the summer when I have more time to knit in sunlight. It feels great and I can't wait to use it.
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