The baby hat was given last week. I was in training so missed the shower and seeing my gift being opened. But, I heard that she liked it and the little outfits and I am sure someone there made sure she knows it was made by me even though I didn't tell a soul about it. Enough of the co-workers see me knitting that I am sure one of them said something.
Still pluggin away on my niece's sweater. I measured her arms and they are about 4 inches longer to the underarm than the size in the pattern I am making. So I will keep working on that. And here I thought it was time to decrease and almost be done. My niece was in a band concert this week (she's in the colorguard) and the whole idea of the concert was by two of the boys in the drumline. The band teacher (who can't be more than 28 or so and looked like a student himself) added the marching band to the show and that was over 75 kids right there. There was the Drumline, the Colorguard, the Jazz Band and then the Marching Band. Very, very good for a high school concert. Wish all the ones I had to go to when my sister was in the band were as good as this one was. Well worth the $4 it cost to get in.
I started a Koigu scarf from one of the patterns listed on Wendy's what to do with 2 skeins of Koigu page. It is very nice and was supposed to be my train knitting but I never touched it. I am off again tomorrow on the train and will probably bring it but don't expect to touch it then either. I am too nosy watching all the other commuters to knit.
I went off to the yarn shop again yesterday and picked up some leaflets and a few skeins of Dale Baby Ull. The owners daughter is pregnant and I want to make a Dale sweater in the new book. It has hearts down the front that you do after the sweater is done in duplicate stitch. I had some Baby Ull put away to knit a Baby Norgi but will knit this one with the yarn instead. No steeking, I am such a wimp.
Time if moving along and it dawned on me today to get my next package ready to go to my secret pal. So, the St. Pat's one is ready to go this week, then I have to get my Easter one together and then the last one. Everything is in a bag and I actually know where it is, just have to rememeber to get it ready to go.
I have to make myself sit here one day this week and order my new computer. I asked my father for a new computer desk for my new computer for my birthday and if he bought it, I will be getting the desk before I even ordered the computer. I keep thinking if I wait, I will get a better deal but I have to just bite the bullet and order it.
Suzanne's Knitting and Spinning Blog
My current projects and future projects.
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