Saturday, February 19, 2005

Clapotis is done! One end is brighter than the other. I still should block it but haven't gotten around to it yet. I have to find the old digital camera to take a picture. I still haven't taken the one I got for Xmas out of the box. Still waiting to order a new computer.

I have started a baby hat from a Dale book I had. Went to a LYS last weekend and spent the afternoon. Picked up some Baby Ull for the hat. A women at work had a baby (Dec. or Jan.) and they are having a belated shower the first week in March.

I had yesterday off so went outlet shopping. Clothes and baby outfits, that was about it. I have to go to NYC next week and needed a dressier pair of pants to wear so got some cotton ones. Those are dressy enough for me.

I went shopping again today and finished up buying what I wanted to get my secret pal. I did get something I wanted to pick up at the yarn shop last weekend. Now, I just have to find a few padded envelopes for some of it and then I have to find a box for the last set of stuff. I hope to get it all ready to go and then will just have to remember the days I want to mail them. I had forgotten about Easter so got that taken care of today, too.


At 8:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on finishing Clapotis! I hope you are able to get some pictures up soon; I'm sure it looks gorgeous.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and have fun with the baby hat.

~ your Secret Pal


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