Friday, August 27, 2004

I have finally been working on Whitby again. I have split the front for the neck and have about 3 more inches left to do. My nieces hat has been started and I worked on that at my parents cottage last weekend while there was a power outage and the most light was at the table on the porch. My nephews sweater was navy so that got left on the couch until the lights came back on. His sweater is coming along slowly as I only work on it on the weekends.

The sweater for my niece is still stalled but I have been swatching some more and I think I am going to just do the pattern the way I like the way it works instead of the way the pattern has it.

The lining got sewn in and the button is on and I will take some pictures when I finish my nieces hat so I can get the camera working for both of them at once.


At 10:59 PM, Blogger Suzanne said...

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