Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

This was taken in Stonington, CT on Saturday.  Looks like the boat was pushing a raft/float.  The water looked lovely.  We were in a parking lot that is next to their beach.  The fair was nice, a beautiful day, weatherwise.  Lots of people at the fair, plus lots of cute dogs and a pretty good band.

The Ten on Tuesday Topic for 8/9 is 10 Reasons To Love Bacon.

Hmm, a hard one for me this week. I try not to eat any red meat or pork (usually the only time is knit camp). I do eat chicken and fish. I eat bacon once a year at knitting camp and after being sick the last day this year, I may cross it off my list for next year.

But anyways, here goes:

1) Nice crispy bacon does taste good.
2) Little piglets are cute.
3) Bacon bits - yummy on a salad, not that I have had this in years.
4) My, I am having a brain freeze, can't think of anything else
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)  Go to Carole's blog and read the rest of them.  I am sure everyone else came up with some great lists.

Still knitting the same things.  I feel like I am never going to finish a knitted item again.  Too many other things I am doing at night instead of knitting.

Have a great week.  Tomorrow is Field Day at work with a picnic and a bunch of games that some of the staff made.  Should be interesting.


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