Well, I am working on the top down sweater. The upper part of the sweater is done and the armholes are done and I am now working down the body. I plan to do the sleeves soon to see how much yarn I have left to work with. I did buy a skein of black (the sweater is red) if needed to do the collar, sleeve edges and bottom edges. I also think I have the perfect buttons needed for the neckline that I bought to use on a Dale sweater but I can always buy more if I ever get around to making that.
The beaded bag, the Must Have and the Whitby Gansey are all languishing away while I also started and am working on a Poncho a la Wendy's Colinette and not-Colinette ponchos. I am partially following a pattern from a Paton's booklet with a cabled poncho on the cover. I am using some Colinette Zanziba in a purple and then a teal color. I went to a LYS after CT Sheep and Wool last weekend and got some Berroco Zen in both purple and teal and then a multi color cotton (maybe Flash? will have to find the label) which has a little of the purple and the teal in it. It should be done next week. I have to work the next 3 days so won't be getting in as much knitting cuz I check my email when I get home and am trying to finish a library book due next week, too. The Time Traveler's Wife (due back the 6th), a good book and then I have one more book that is also due around the 13th (I hope) that I have to read.
Thank you to my secret knitting pal for my card. It was nice to come home to a card waiting for me.
I also have to decide where to get a blog with pictures, not sure if I want to do typepad or just keep it here.
Suzanne's Knitting and Spinning Blog
My current projects and future projects.
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