The front of Banff II is done. I started the sleeves and then thought they were too wide so ripped them out, played with the numbers and started again. According to the pattern, I have enough yarn but I usually worry and I hope the changes to the sleeve will save me some yarn.
I cast on for the back of the Must Have and knit about 2 rows. I have to measure my niece to make sure the finished size 38 will fit her. She is very thin but I am used to making her sweaters oversized and usually make her a sweater in the 40 inch range. She is 15 and I keep a record of her measurements but haven't checked them in a year so she may have grown some. I know she has gotten a little taller.
I haven't started the next Bea Ellis hat. I hope to cast on for that this weekend and at least work a bit on the cotton lining. That part took me months on the first one. I just didn't like knitting the cotton, not sure why.
Suzanne's Knitting and Spinning Blog
My current projects and future projects.
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