Wednesday, December 31, 2003

Well, I lined my mother's Lily Bag and she really liked it. My niece liked her felted bag, too. They both liked their felted mittens.

I am almost done with the baby blanket. I bought a baby outfit so if I don't get to the sweater, I am fine with that. I still have to make a baby sweater for my hairdresser plus I want to make a teddy bear sweater for her daughter who isn't too sure about this big sister business. I want to get it done so I can get it to her in Feb. before she goes out on maternity leave.

I hope to dig out the yarn I brought to my room a month or so ago. I want to start Banff from the Winter Knitty with it on my day off on Friday. I got a worm bag for Xmas so I want to also transfer all my circulars to that. I went to Staples today and got some page protecters so I can also work on getting the rest of my patterns put into binders.

Happy New Year everyone.


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