I finished the gussets on the Whitby Gansey and have split it into the front and back. Yippee. I have my niece's sweater next to the computer and actually get a few rows done everyday while I am reading email. It is slow going, but more is getting done by the computer than would get done otherwise. I wasted a good half hour to an hour today trying to get my palm pilot back up and running. Finally reset it and ended up doing a hard reset so had to reload all the games and other stuff I had added. I mostly play games so I don't back it up but I really have to remind myself to do it once a week. I still have to finish 2 more mice and then get some catnip this weekend and get those mice stuffed and mailed to Wendy.
Suzanne's Knitting and Spinning Blog
My current projects and future projects.
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