FO, FO. The second slipper is done and they have both been felted. Three trips through the washer and they are done. They are now in the window awaiting some sun tomorrow. These were a lot of fun and will be my Xmas or Birthday presents for a few people next year. Now, back to my nieces scarf, then the baby blanket, then the sweater for me. Can't wait to finish all three as I want to start a sweater in the new Jameison's book. Two scarfs, and an afghan will stay on the back burner but I will start the fronts to a sweater for my mother when I get to start the Jameison sweater. We got about 8 inches of snow and the driveway and walkway are now clear so I can enjoy the weekend and just knit and read. Now, if only the mail would bring two things I am waiting for so I don't have to make 2 calls on Monday, I will be very happy indeed.
Suzanne's Knitting and Spinning Blog
My current projects and future projects.
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